Collections and reprints

Calitatea de martor (The Nature of the Witness), enlarged 2nd ed, Bucharest: Cartea Românească, 1972

Orașe de silabe (Cities of Syllables), Bucharest: Editura Sport Turism, 1987

Geniul de a fi (The Genius of To Be), Bucharest: Editura Litera Chișinau, 1997

Calitatea de martor (The Quality of the Witness), 3rd ed enlarged, Litera International, 2003

A fi sau a privi (To Be and To Look), Bucharest: Humanitas, 2005

O silabisire a lumii (Spelling the World), Bucharest: Humanitas, 2006

Spaima de literatură (The Anxiety of Literature), Bucharest: Humanitas, 2006

Spaima de literatură (The Anxiety of Literature), 2nd ed, Bucharest:  Humanitas, 2010

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